A review by blogginboutbooks
Dark August by Katie Tallo


I picked DARK AUGUST up on a whim at my library without ever having heard of it before. I'm not sure how I missed hearing about this debut because it is right up my alley! I love books about mysterious little towns holding dark secrets. Elgin, Ontario, Canada (at least the fictional version), certainly qualifies.

DARK AUGUST is a riveting read featuring an atmospheric setting, complex characters, and an absorbing plot. Gus is a sympathetic heroine who's tough, determined, and brave, but not invincible. She makes mistakes in her amateur investigation, all of which serve to make her more authentic and relatable. Her furry sidekick, Levi, is just as appealing. While this thriller is certainly character-driven, it's not lacking in action. The plot is carefully crafted to be suspenseful, surprising, and exciting. I saw a couple of the twists coming, but not all of them by any means. DARK AUGUST kept me guessing all the way to the end. Although it's over 400 pages long, I buzzed through this novel in a day and a half because I couldn't put it down. It's that immersive. While DARK AUGUST definitely deals with some depressing, disturbing content, overall I really enjoyed it. I will definitely be on the lookout for whatever Katie Tallo writes next.