A review by michalice
Fever by Lauren DeStefano


I started Fever immediately after finishing Wither and my first thoughts were, 'WOW' and 'I have to keep reading'. Fever continues straight from were Wither ended and we get to follow Rhine and Gabriel as they make a perilous journey fraught with danger at every turn, to try to find her way home to her brother. Their happiness is short lived and the duo soon find themselves captured and made to 'perform' in Madame Soleski's carnival of amour. Rhine, now with a new name of Goldenrod, agrees to perform to keep Gabriel safe, but all the while is planning a way to escape.

Finally freedom is in sight, and with an extra body to look after they travel across the country to Rhine's home town, either to her brother, or to see all her hopes and dreams shattered.

I will admit that it has taken me a while to actually read Wither, at first it didn't appeal to me, but the arrival of Fever made me pick up Wither and read like there was no tomorrow. The series so far was not what I expected and found myself thoroughly enjoying these books. Although I did like Wither, Fever has to be my favourite. We get to see Rhine in the outside world and also Gabriel's reactions to it. He has his eyes opened and can now truly see what is going on outside the walls of the Manor. In Wither we get to see their budding friendship, but in Fever although it is still there, it is more in the background as it takes a secondary role in their survival.

I never knew what was going to happen next, and even the occasional arrival of Vaughn had me thinking how he knew where they where. There are not many rays of light in Fever, but when they appear you appreciate them even more, just as Rhine and Gabriel do, and part of me wants them to stay safe and sound while the other part is telling them to keep moving, keep going. The introduction of a few odd characters had be doubting their kindness and I never truly trusted them, thinking they had ulterior motives for their kindness.

I really don't want to say too much as I don't want to spoil Fever for anyone waiting to read it, all I can say is Fever is just as good as Wither and I can't believe I have to wait forever for book 3 to be published, its torture.