A review by tintinintibet
Then We Came to the End by Joshua Ferris


I should give it 5 stars, I think, but it is hard to tell whether this is a book that will improve with time in my memory or lose some luster (so I'm not giving the 5th star). The closest book I've read to this one would be "Everything is Illuminated", but the Safran Foer book lost some of its spirit for me about halfway through, while this one kept its strength in keen character development and sharp dialogue throughout.

My one complaint would be that the time continuity that Ferris plays with throughout the book is a bit of a roller coaster in the first third of the book, and while this may have been an intentional literary device of sorts, I was distracted by the dislocated timings more than I think necessary. But that's such a minor complaint that I'm surprised that I wrote about it here. Maybe it will help keep those who are more sensitive to time-motion-sickness to push on through, knowing that the book will settle down and, IMHO, is well worth the read.