A review by peterpanda
Fall and Rising by Sunny Moraine


-I was given this book in exchange for an honest review-

The world needs a book like this in it. This book needs to get its name out there more.

This book not only has an amazing fantasy element packed with adventure and action, it has romance, and such diverse characters. I feel as if this novel would make for an amazing movie and it would hit the box offices like gold. It has characters of different ethnicity's, characters with unique names (or unique to their culture), it isn't just one culture it has many! The main couple is also diverse as it isn't two whites in love, it's two men of different cultures, not just their skin, but where they're from as well. This book features gay, lesbians, and straight couples which I just find wonderful as that's very rare to find in a book. It's rare to have so many different characters together, and then, have the novel have a perfect balance between the love, but the fantasy element as well.

The story line was interesting. I kept hoping that Sinder would find Adam, but only because I was hoping he would realize how awful the Proctorate was, almost was hoping they'd team up together against the Proctorate. (Sorry, Spelling?). The novel went at a nice pace, and it kept getting better as Adam found himself an 'army' to start trying to protect his people, and take down the Government he's from that is killing off his people. The story line, and characters were great!

I fell in love with Lock and Adam's relationship. My heart broke for Nikruka and Satya. I smiled at Aarons and Rachel. I loved Lock's personality, and I'd have to say he is my favorite character.

The reason why this did not get five stars is because it was a bit choppy for me. On Goodreads it says it's the first in the series, but then looking at all the authors books you realize it isn't. I was able to catch up eventually, but the first half of the book I almost put it down because I do NOT think this is a book one should real first, I think they probably should read the other book first to cause less confusion. Some novels can get away with any order, and sure I caught up eventually, but not every reader is like me where they just HAVE to finish a book. I recommend making it clear that there is another book before this one. The other choppy parts that made this book hard to follow was the formatting but I believe this is because I got it off Netgalley.

4/5 though as it turned out to be a really unique, and amazing read