A review by jenn756
No Logo by Naomi Klein

Obviously this book is a little out of date now but the questions it raises are still as relevant as ever. Was globalisation a good thing? Was it worth the suffering involved? When Thatcher talked about a 'return to Victorian values' did she mean an imposition of victorian sweatshops in developing countries? How could we allow ourselves to indulge in an orgy of mass consumerism these last 30 years knowing full well the cost to the workers involved? (Never mind the environmental cost which is painfully becoming obvious, though not such an issue when the book was written).

It's all very well saying overall globalisation has raised living standards globally, which I think it has, many individuals paid a heavyuh price to get there. Just like by the 1890s living standards in the UK were significantly higher than they had been pre-industrialisation many many people suffered terribly in the process. You would think having a blueprint to hand we would have learned out lesson, but we didn't.