A review by shesgotstories
Glow by Raven Kennedy


"I'll be the villain for you."

So many book series don't age well, but the Plated Prisoner series is NOT one of those! With every book, it just keeps getting better and I'm totally obsessed! Real rating of 4.5 stars.

I have loved getting to follow Auren's story as she finally gets the freedom she deserves. I adore the way that Slade dotes on her and how he will be the villain for her. He's so patient with her while she deals with her trauma and PTSD and it's so refreshing to have a love interest in a fantasy book who is a great communicator (miscommunication trope who?). I loved getting to see more of Slade's background and find him to be such a fascinating character. These character arcs are absolutely fantastic and I highlighted so many incredible quotes throughout the book. Raven's writing is just amazing!

I do think this book could've been a little shorter and still hit all the plot points, but I suppose one can never have too much of Auren and Slade. I do think the spicy scenes were a little ill-timed for the most part as they served as distractions instead of intimate bonding moments, but who am I to judge? The multiple POVs at first threw me off (especially because all I cared about was Auren and Slade's POVs), but by the end, I was hyped for what is to come next and how all the details are coming together.