A review by kaffeinatedkoala
Bluescreen by Dan Wells


Solid book! 7/10
*very minor spoilers*
Bluescreen is a YA futuristic cyberpunk/sci-fi thriller that moves at a breakneck pace. It's exactly what it's supposed to be, and an ideal quick YA book to break a reading slump. The plot is solid, fun, and engaging, and there's very little of the painful YA romance typical of the genre, which is refreshing While the plot relies on tropes you've probably seen before, it never leaves you bored. The world-building and characterization fluctuate from great to okay-the world feels mostly lived-in, but there are some noticeable issues (such as the date of 2050, which is far too soon for the presented technology and societal change)-but only if you're looking for them. Additionally, the diverse cast of teenage girls is written fairly well: there's one particular scene involving a parent-child argument that is perfectly done, but due to the plot's pace, the potential ramifications of the various traumatic events on these teens falls to the wayside. The girls' friendship dynamics are done realistically but never deeply explored, despite some clear opportunities for tension (Marisa's best friend basically live-streams her life 24/7)-again, a sacrifice to keep up with the pacing. Diversity is very prominent in the book, and in my opinion, the representation of the Mexican-American lead fluctuates from natural (Spanish is integrated mostly naturally in Marisa's everyday expression) to a bit stiff to borderline problematic/stereotypical (Marisa's family owns a Mexican restaurant in a rough neighborhood and has a son involved in gang activities), but the representation never came across as callous or offensive (to me)-just occasionally a bit stilted, and again, it's only an issue if you're looking for it.
Overall, Bluescreen is a fun read that'll satisfy someone looking for a cool, fast-paced and well-written YA book. While there may be underlying issues with the story, taken at face value, the book is a very enjoyable and engaging read you won't want to put down. A perfect, binge-able "breather" book.
3.5/5, bumped up to 4 because teens will love it.