A review by nicklelove
Moonlight and Oranges by Elise Stephens


Originally published in Night Owl Reads.

I am not familiar with the story of Cupid and Persephone, I may have read it before but I do not/did not remember it while reading this book. But after reading a summary of Cupid's story, I could say that Moonlight and Oranges is indeed a modern day retelling of that story.

This is probably the biggest insta-love of them all and I loved it! They meet, fall in love, and get married. It's a big risk both parties were willing to take but how long will the magic last? They barely know each other and Kestrin has a reputation which Lorona can't get passed with.

I was more curious as to how this kind of story would play out, how they would resolve their problem, and of course, how Kestrin's dream ended, what the answer he was looking for was. The phrase "fools rush in" came to mind and I almost thought it would end up badly. But I was desperate for it to be a happy ending and I wasn't disappointed.

The names are a little weird for me. Each time I see "Kestrin", my brain would read is as "Kerstin". Lorona sounds like Lorena so I'm okay with that. And I recently learned about the story of La Llorona from an episode of Grimm. The moon or moonlight, stars, and oranges are mentioned a lot. The couples craving for oranges is one of my favorites. I smile every time the craving is mentioned.

Loved this novel! The story is easy to grasp, definitely recommend to hopeless romantics like me.