A review by bluebeardswife
Middlegame by Seanan McGuire


HOLY FUCKING SHIT!!!!!! this book was magnificent. i finished reading this 2 days ago but my thoughts are still all over the place so please bear with me in this review

firstly i would like to thank seanan mcguire for creating this story and this characters and giving them life with her beautiful writing. it seems silly to say this but i always feel the need to express my deepest love and gratitude for a writer that does what she did here. so thank you.

secondly i need to say that roger and dodger are some of my favorite characters ever! it was amazing reading about them as individuals and a duo. the way mcguire distinguishes the two of them throughout the years at the same time she makes them one was truly incredible. i loved how even though they were “language” and “maths” they weren’t black and white characters with black and white actions.

thirdly, the story was so well done and so well crafted that i’m still in awe of it. i finished this book 2 days ago and i still can’t seem to stop thinking about it!

obviously this is now one of my favorite books ever and probably my favorite book of the year (yeah, it’s still june but let’s be real here: who is going to top this so soon?).

one last thing: usually i’m not the best at doing that “if you liked this thing you’ll probably like this other thing” BUT i’m certain that someone that loved and appreciated the tv show DARK will love this book (i’m speaking from experience, please trust me)!