A review by micaelacccc
The Oleander Sword by Tasha Suri

Did not finish book. Stopped at 36%.
I'm so sorry I just can't. Everyday I pick up this book and start reading and I tell myself, just push through you'll get to the good stuff after all this unbelievably slow plot. I'm not really one for deep descriptions of war and politics, so I don't think this book was really for me even though I enjoyed the first one very much. I also think the characters are sorely lacking in this novel, as Priya & Malini don't feel the same as they did in The Jasmine Throne, and their relationship feels more forced than it did before. And all those needless POV's oh my gosh. I just can't bring myself to keep reading anymore when I end up skimming half the chapters anyways. Really disappointing, I don't think it's terrible but I just won't waste any more time on this book.