A review by protoman21
For the Win by Cory Doctorow


Overall I did not enjoy this book, though it did have some interesting and engaging moments. Unfortunately, I think the scope of this story was too large and too foreign for me to really wrap my head around it and commit to getting emotionally invested in the characters. The story jumped around so much early on that I quickly lost track of who was who and I never cared enough to really bother keeping it straight in my head. The storylines did eventually all come together, but I had already lost interest way before that happened.

All that said, there was certainly some value to the story. The economics of the gaming worlds is fascinating and a lot of the labor issues that were dealt with were interesting and thought provoking, but the whole time I couldn't help but wonder how real this story is. If the situation is truly the way Doctorow describes in this novel, then I feel like I did get something of worth from reading it, but if he exaggerated the points to make a better story, then I feel like I was presented with a lie to exploit my emotions and make me feel something in the real world that is based on nothing but one author's fantasy.