A review by harleyrae
The Burning Bridge by John Flanagan


4.5/5 Stars
I really enjoyed this book. I had a difficult time getting through the first 30 pages, but after that the story just took off. For a lot of the book, there wasn't really a whole lot happening, more planning and stuff than actual battle. But it was still really interesting. The last 50 pages were fantastic, like most of the story it was fast-paced and gripping. My biggest complaint was how the POV was done. We were never really inside a persons head, it was almost like we were looking down onto the scene and watching it, never truly getting everyone's thoughts. But after about the first 30 pages, I got used to it again and was fine with it.
All in all I am really enjoying this series so far and can't wait to continue on with it, this book left on a pretty bad cliffhanger.