A review by worldlibraries
The Bus Driver Who Wanted to be God and Other Stories by Etgar Keret


I ordered this book when I asked a friend for a recommendation of a current Jewish author who writes about something other than the Holocaust that would teach me about Jewish culture now.

Two or three stories were good, but on the whole, this book was skippable. These were stories show a militarized society, and they weren't funny. When I saw this book was by an "Israeli humorist," I thought I would be introduced to current Jewish humor that would make me laugh out loud. I didn't laugh. Sometimes, the outlook was too brutal. My incorrect expectations about the book may have contributed toward my apathy toward the title.

Here's one quote that did make me smile:

There's something nice about home cooking. I mean it's hard to explain, but there's something special about it, a feeling. As if your stomach can figure out it was food you didn't have to pay for, that someone made it out of love.

~ Page 96