A review by dark_reader
The Elements of Style by William Strunk Jr.

I first encountered "Strunk & White" in my first year of university when it appeared as an optional textbook for a half-class on reading. I bought it then but I don't think I ever made it past the first two or three "rules of elementary usage". Because I attended a French-language grade school, I never formally learned English grammar, so any talk of gerunds, clauses, conjunctions and the like makes me glaze over. Today, on a casual read-through, I find it to be of use to anyone who writes for business or pleasure. Some of the rules and laments about specific words are outdated, but if you are interested in writing with clarity and vigor, this minute handbook is worth looking through for tips and traps that you may be prone to. I often gravitate towards the passive voice, unnecessary wordiness, and ill-conceived use of semi-colons. I feel better equipped now to watch for these.