A review by laura_trap
Silent Hall by N.S. Dolkart


well. We all knew this was going to happen one way or the other. This book was awful. Just, terrible. It had such potential, which always makes it seem worse in the end. Life is too short to continue reading bad books and this was a pile of word vomit. The writing was clunky, so m.a.n.y typos. So many, and the dialogue was pure crap. Crap written by a ten year old. If someone told me that the author's pre-teen son was the actual author of this, I would be more impressed. It reads like a terrible D&D campaign, with immature, not well rounded, or interesting stories.
There is no emotion to this book and the world building (my favorite part of a fantasy novel) was sloppy, unrefined, and often times didn't connect well as the story went on. I made it 200 pages into this book before I said enough and decided to give my brain a reprieve from the jumble of words on the page. The characters were boring, one dimensional, and I hated how so often, the author told me, didn't show me. It's impossible to connect.
The plot line does some interesting, but the writing is so atrocious it doesn't keep my attention. I'm distracted by the rest of the bad in this book. I wanted to like this book, honest to goodness, I did, but I couldn't find anything enjoyable about it. They go on these mini-quests, without much explanation of how they get from here to there. Apparently boats move so fast that within the span of a half-assed sentence someone falls over board, drowns, and the boat has moved beyond reach. What? There is no flow, no genuine emotion anywhere in the book, and if I had to read another page I think I'd scream. The whole two paragraphed section of one of our heroes, Narky, finding out that women menstruate was just cringe worthy.
What the author adds and what he doesn't makes no sense. Like they travel vast distances without any mention of the travel, he barely gives his characters personalities. He randomly adds in facts about his group or that group without explanation. Just no. i don't have time for this type of nonsense, for sloppy writing, for poor characterization, for plot holes or even parts of a plot that just simply end for no discernible reason. I'm mad at this book, because I wanted it to get better and so I kept reading, hoping, for something redeeming, some change in the writing or the style or that suddenly the dialogue didn't seem so fake or forced, but it just kept on being bad. This entire book is a disappointment and I could not in good faith not warn the general public. Dude, get a fucking editor.
"Phaedra bowed her head and didn't say anymore. Bandu was glad. She didn't want to talk to Psander anymore. It was a good thing the talking was over."
Read that out loud and tell me if that flows. Trust me, it doesn't. This book is a mess. I couldn't end this without an example, not a great one, but to do that you'd have to read the first 200 pages of this book and that's 200 pages of my life I won't get back. Christ.