A review by sblake33
Aquaman, Volume 1: The Drowning (Rebirth) by Dan Abnett


Before I get into this review I have to first say: I’ve never read anything about Aquaman. This is my first occurence with Arthur Curry, and I wasn’t disappointed.

With DC rebooted their universe, this is the perfect starting point for new readers. The first issue in the trade does a great job of explaining who Arthur Curry is, his world, his place on land and in sea, and It’s done in a very interesting way which made me even more excited to jump into the storyline.

This trade was action packed and intriguing. The Trade starts with Aquaman trying to bring both of his worlds together, land and sea. With this endeavor he faces opposition on both sides. The people on earth think he is dangerous and foolish at the same time, while the people of Atlantis want nothing to do with the air-breathers. What I like most about this trade was seeing the opposing sides and watching as Aquaman tried to make everything work. He was willing to do anything to bring the people of Atlantis and the people of land together, and it was amazing to watch as it all unfolded.

I think the main reason why I loved this book so much was Mera. I have to say the beginning of the book was slow, it was interesting, but it was pretty slow. So when the action started to unfold I was glad, and extremely happy to see that Mera was at the forefront of it all. That woman is strong, fierce, an amazing warrior, and she will do anything for Arthur. I thought the relationship between Mera and Arthur was amazing, it was even funny at times, and they work so well with each other.

What else made this book a hit, at least in my opinion was Black Manta. Getting his side of the story was personally my favorite part. Watching as he pursued his vengeance against Arthur was entertaining, but seeing why he wants to defeat Aquaman was shocking to me. I’m new to Aquaman and comics in general, so it changed my opinion of Aquaman. Also, Black Manta is pretty badass, and I truly love his personality and I’m so stoked to see where his story arc goes.

Being new to Aquaman I was very impressed with this trade. I thought the storyline was entertaining and intriguing, the artwork was beautiful, and the characters were vibrant. For old fans I don’t how this would stack up, but I say give it chance!

Received from publisher in exchange for an honest review