A review by samanthafab
Promchanted by Morgan Matson


Honestly, I wouldn't have picked this book up if it wasn't a Disney book. It did have a couple of things going against me: YA contemporary, and Sleeping Beauty (my least fav of the princesses), but I hoped the Disney Parks aspect would be enough to make me fall in love (as a self confessed Disney adult).

It did not. In fact, the Disney aspect actually had me rolling my eyes. Is the author actually a fan? Or was she just given a list of places in Disneyland to mention in the book?

Disney nerd aside, it was hard to get past the eyerolling teen drama, and the irritatingly controlling MC who must live on another planet to have zero knowledge on Sleeping Beauty (I get it, it's a plot device so that we the reader don't know what's going to happen, but I think we all know how this one plays out).

I'll stop now, but this was a case of not being the right book for me. The right reader would probably adore this.