A review by anniekennedy_reads
Storm of Bells by Robert Thier


The last of the core series (there are 4? Spin-offs) and honestly this one was the hardest to get through. I love the series and do like this book but this one I felt really dragged, a whole book for something that could have been done in a couple of chapters or so.
I like the core story is wrapped up and happy endings but why did it take a damn book to do.
You go through everything for preparations, like…
and honestly it’s a bit tedious.
As a wise man once said…
Knowledge is Power is Time is Money.

The book nothing really happens, characters don’t really develop any further (there is a little bit but nothing massive) threats that pop up disappear within a chapter or two. And the side stories are just boring. This book just feels like one big epilogue, and my god those things annoy me.
I still love the series and I think I always will I just think the last couple of books were just filler..
If you are on the fence about reading the series I would say definitely to the first 3 maybe even the fourth and fifth (just) but this last one… unless you want closure I wouldn’t bother. It pains me to say it cause I really do love this series and it will always hold a special place for me but this book… it’s testing that love.