A review by nymphie
My Dress-Up Darling, Vol. 2 by Shinichi Fukuda


The saving grace of this manga is the characters. They are lovely. Kitagawa is a sweet and thoughtful girl who pays attention and listens to Gojo. She takes the time to get to know him, remembers all the little details about himself that he’s told her, and is genuinely concerned for him in times of distress. Their interactions and relationship is very sweet, when he isn’t stammering seventeen times in the same sentence.

However, I could seriously do without the insane amount of fan service plaguing this series. I do not understand how it is possible that a female author wrote this book. The convention scene was a complete train wreck. An overheated, sweaty woman on the verge of passing out is not hot. The focus should have been on taking care of her and getting her help, instead of turning her situation into an excuse to display her body. The scene was incredibly uncomfortable to read through, so that alone takes this volume down another star.