A review by annsbibliotherapy
Breaking Time by Sasha Alsberg


I wanted to love this, I really wanted to love this, it really seemed like a YA Outlander from the description and that sounded perfect to me.

I have tonsay this one just fell a little short for me. I think if I had started it without any preconceived ideas I would have liked it more, but the more I think about it the less sure I am of that.

Our main characters were just ok for me, Klara missed the mark, one moment she was too much and another she felt like she wasn't even involved. Callum was all over the place for me, so many inconsistencies.

I know its fiction but some things just irk me and this one hit a few of my buttons.

The story overall had so much potential, time travel is a trope I love normally but this one just had too many loopholes.

I will say the descriptions were breathtaking at moments, I could see the fairy circle, the buildings, the people, the descriptions for everything were wonderful.

Overall it's an ok story, ok characters, and wonderful descriptions, it's worth taking the time to read and it may be very enjoyable to some, it just wasn't what I thought it was going to be.