A review by bwray1
Dreyer's English: An Utterly Correct Guide to Clarity and Style by Benjamin Dreyer


An excellent treatment of the rules of writing from the perspective of a copy editor. Dreyer is practical enough to acknowledge there aren't that many rules worth remembering and they all have exceptions, but also willing to impose order with the rules that can be used to craft good, clear writing. Dreyer's able to precisely explain rules and why he abides them or doesn't, while keeping them interesting with his wit. He's also humble enough to admit when rules or usages trip even him up and that in those cases it makes sense to refer back to the appropriate reference, be it style guide or trusty dictionary. The section on misspelling and misuse of look-alike words, people, and places was unlike anything I've ever encountered before and eminently useful. Highly recommend as a reference for writing.