A review by katy_alice
Doctor Who: The Molten Heart by Una McCormack


I've read two of the Thirteenth Doctor adventures so far (The Good Doctor & Molten Heart) and what both have in common--though written by different authors--is that the characters' voices are being captured exceptionally well. Which honestly I was concerned about because I didn't anticipate Whittaker's delightfully rapid-fire speech pattern and enthusiasm translating well to the page.

'Molten Heart' is a tad faster paced than 'The Good Doctor', though it doesn't dig quite as deep into the planet's political drama. McCormack does an excellent job balancing the narrative focus between The Doctor and Ryan's quest to find the missing scientist, Basalt, and Yaz and Graham's travails with the planet's government and law enforcement. It touches subtly (and occasionally not subtly as is the DW way) on the topics of environmental impact and how leaders often refuse to acknowledge evidence and facts if that means changing course and admitting that they were wrong.

It was a fun fast read, and it gives Yaz's character a little more flesh and depth. I'm definitely looking forward to 'Combat Magicks' and any further novels feature the team... gang? fam?