A review by pam2375
Snow Angels by James Thompson


Snow Angels is the first of a series of books that I will definitely be sticking with. It is the story of a Finnish Police Inspector, Kari Vaara, who solves the myteries that happen in his town. Well, that is what happened in the first book, anyway.

Inspector Vaara solves the murder of Sufia Elmi, an actress/model from Somolia. The murder was a bit gruesome and some of the details may turn some folks off, but I did not find it offensive. The author, James Thompson weaves you through this story and the town that it is set in with great ease. I liked the character development, as well as the characters and felt like I am getting to know them all very well in preparation for the upcoming books. I have already purchased book #2, [b:Lucifer's Tears|8854839|Lucifer's Tears (Inspector Kari Vaara, #2)|James Thompson|http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51Mk%2BPHN3VL._SL75_.jpg|13729960] and will be getting to that soon. (I need to thaw out from the cold, first)

I don't know how long the series can continue if this same number of murders continues in each book. I loved the part of the book where Inspector Vaara's wife, Kate recaps the case. She goes through and names all the players and tries to recreate a timeline etc...I found it to be very helpful and there was some humor added in.

I would recommend this book to anyone interested in murder/mystery. My only minor critism of this book was that there seemed to be a lot of murders/death in this small town.