A review by blodeuedd
A Midnight Dance by Lila DiPasqua


Now this was a very hot fairy tale re-telling, but then it is not a fairy tale, it is a Fiery tale.

Sabine has lost almost everything because of aristocrats. Her plan to save her family is damn right stupid, but it does show that she is willing to do anything. She is afraid, but still brave. She is loyal and not afraid of hard work.So even with her foolish plan I like her.

Our hero is Jules de Moutier, a former aristo who wants his title and land back, and now he is a privateer. He may not show it at first but he is still a noble who looks down at the peasants and think they are lazy if they starve. I did like this side of him, the arrogant stupid noble, not because it was a good side, but because it was the true side. of course he would look down at peasants and think that his kind was the best.

And the story is about how Sabine wants to steal from him since it was his family's fault they now can't pay taxes. But as always things do not work out, she has fancied him for ages and passion brews when they meet. This is an erotic historical romance after all. And they waste no time getting to know each other. Passion explodes of the pages so if you are looking for that then you have come to the right place.

There is also the mystery of a missing sister, who ruined de Mouiter family name, and if these two can have a happy ending. And we all know they will get one and I must say I was very happy with the end they got. I shall not say why, but it was very fitting.

It was a hot fiery tale where Cinderella got her prince, there were even glass slippers for those who wondered.