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A review by readingcaffeinated
The Raven and the Dove by Kaitlyn Davis


I've always wondered what life with wings would be like. To live in the clouds, free as a bird. This book encaptured my dreams so vividly, I absolutely felt like I lived there.

Fall in love with sulking bastards, over enthusiastic princesses hungry for adventure and a best friend with a crazy secret. Davis creates colorful characters that will leave you hungering for more story, more adventure and more romance. This book has everything - star crossed lovers, epic dragon battles and mystery kings with hidden agendas. Go on this epic journey with these unforgettable characters.

The writing captures from page one. I blazed through this book and will definitely be rereading this a few times. Colorful and descriptive language use will help submerge yourself in this story wholeheartedly. This unique narrative will find its place among the must reads for 2020 quickly.

Full review on my blog