A review by fazila
The Princess and The Pawn by Kaitlyn Davis



DISCLAIMER : Thank You, Kaitlyn Davis, for the ARC of this prequel. I will be sharing my honest review in exchange for the ARC.

When I signed up to be part of the ARC team on Kaitlyn's page I was very excited to get my hands on the copy of the prequel to The Raven And The Dove. I absolutely loved the book, I think it is an impressive beginning to a beautiful series. The story, the world-building, complex characters, conflicts, and writing was all on-point. The prequel pretty much confirms the facts laid out by the first book. Gives us insight into the House Of Peace and their Kingdom. Little background information regarding Ana's parents' wedding and their story is also given. The prequel timeline is a day before the raven's entering into doves' Kingdom for the Matching ceremony. The POVs of Ana, Rafe are given and their thoughts and preparations prior to the ceremonies are explained. The book, in my opinion, complements the first book nicely. I think if you have read The Raven And The Dove you should definitely pick it up. I gave the book 5 stars. I really can't wait to read the second book in the series and get to know more about the world Kaitlyn has created for us.