A review by jessbookishlife
The Cuckoo Wood by M. Sean Coleman


This is the first book I'm reading of M. Sean Coleman, and what a great introduction to a series and to a 'new-to-me' author.

Since this is the first book in the 'An Alex Ripley Mystery' series, we get to met for the first time Dr Alex Ripley. An amazingly well written character, with depth and complexity, and quite engaging and relatable character. Of course that wasn't the only character in this book that made me curious and that made this story so much more intriguing.

The storyline was quite intriguing too. A connection between old case and new case. Maybe a paranormal related event. A village with superstitions and secrets. Yeah, this was my kind of book for sure. It was unique and it I was curious from page one and every chapter just fed my curious mind.

The author's writing style elevated everything. The storytelling had a good pace and flow, with some amazing descriptions, narrative and thrilling moments that made me wonder about the truth and about the secrets.

Overall, I recommend this book. And I won't say much because I don't want to spoil anything. So go get this book and read it. This book will take you on a journey through a village and through old and new cases involving secrets.

[I want to thank Rachel, at Rachel’s Random Resources, and M. Sean Coleman for the eCopy of this book and for allowing me to join in the fun and by being a part of the blog tour with my honest review of the book.]