A review by renpuspita
Dukes Are Forever by Bec McMaster


4 stars

And so the journey (or rather my London Steampunk arc 1 and 2 marathon reading, lol) has ended. With Dukes Are Forever, McMaster said her goodbye to the world of the blue bloods, verwulfen, mechs, dhampir, etc with its steampunk elements. I will never forget the day when I give book 1, Kiss of Steel a chance even though its needs years for me to finally complete the series. Kiss of Steel is the book that start it all, that make McMaster is one of my favorite authors to date. And now, after I immersed myself into her Victorian steampunk world, I have a bittersweet moment to say goodbye again.

Dukes Are Forever is the culmination point between Malloryn and his nemesis cold war, Lord Balfour. All pieces are finally revealed (even though most of them already opened in book 3 and 4). Malloryn barely recovered from his captivity and torture, yet Balfour will do anything to destroy him. Anyway, who knows that Malloryn's cold marriage to Adele turn to explosive in the end? I like how McMaster turn the tables not just to Malloryn, but Adele as well. Their tipping point actually start in book 3, and reach its peak in this book. Who knows that behind her icy demeanor, Adele is just an ordinary woman that longed to be loved? I must admit, even Adele just a human, this woman have plenty of scars. First from her childhood memories, underestimated by her father just because she born as female. And then how she is in the bottom of the food chain in Echelon, just because she is a WOMAN. Like the era she had born, she doesn't have a say, so basically she will do anything to survive. For others, she will look ruthless, but maybe that why she's a good opponent to Malloryn, because both of them were good at hiding their feelings to the rest of the world.

Dukes are Forever is basically about how Malloryn, the MIGHTY Malloryn finally fall to his knees. Literally and metaphorically (idk if this a right term since I wrote my review on apps, lol). McMaster already give reader glimpses to his past, his devil-may-care personality, his action when he pulling the strings of events in the previous books. In his book, we will get to know why Malloryn is Malloryn, ruthless, cold but also like Adele, he longed to love and be loved. It's just his rage, his sense of avenge toward Balfour can blinded him sometimes, rendered him sideways, make him cannot see that he have the rogues beside him. I know that he didn't want any of the rogues of people he love died again like what happen to his first love, but well its about time for Malloryn to open his heart. My favorite part is when he recalled the memories when Adele was drunk and she said that her favorite husband is not the duke, but his "Auvry Cavill" side. I can feel how he ached to love but in the other side he afraid to show his feeling. Another is when they finally recognize their feeling to each other and Malloryn renew their marriage vow, I fell like "it's about time, Malloryn. It's about time."

In the term of "steam" (ehm, of course this aspect must be reviewed. Thoroughly) this book is definitely the steamiest book, with the game of seduction between Malloryn and Adele. Haha..who said theirs marriage are cold? Jokes on me for this one since McMaster hold no barrels. You have hate sex, you have "omg you alive" sex, and you got all that tender moments of make love scene. Sigh, if only you also did this with To Catch a Rogue and Mission:Improper, because I feel that this two books are lacking in smexy scenes department even though the sexual tension is off the chart, lol! Why McMaster, whyyy? T_T

With all that opinion above, I feel that this book is heavily on romance and angst compared to the previous. There were some actions, twist and suspense, but in the end Dukes are Forever is how Adele and Malloryn come to their senses (and feeling) and discover that love is indeed, the greatest weapon (haha, I sound corny). Maybe McMaster already learn from the previous books, like To Catch a Rogue and You Only Love Twice that have so many points of view, so Dukes are Forever just focus to Malloryn and Adele. As for the final book, I can said that the book is okay even its not exceeded my expectation. I think I have a high expectation and can't help to compare Dukes are Forever with Of Silks and Steams since both are the final book. I will said Of Silks and Steams is better since its about a bloody revolution and the stakes definitely higher, while in Dukes are Forever the end kinda a little bit of anti-climatic. Idk, maybe McMaster running of her fumes because of what she had write in To Catch a Rogue that definitely have higher stakes, or maybe another factor. Either way, she conclude the arc 2 nicely, and its nice to have Malloryn, Adele and the Company of Rogues to finally find their peace.

Speaking favorites, for arc 1, from the book I loved to okay is:
1. My Lady Quicksilver (I read it TWICE..and I want to read it again, tbh, lol)
2. Of Silks and Steam ( a much better and well written conclusion book)
3. Heart of Iron (yes Ami, I take it back my "Lena is bratty" comment, haha)
4. Kiss of Steel (the book that start it all)
5. Forged by Desire (if only Perry don't playing victim that much *sigh).

For arc 2, it's:
1. To Catch of Rogues (I know why its get its RITA nomination. Full of action and ahhh, young love!)
2. Mission:Improper (I really LIKED Byrnes and Ingrid banters. Gawd..to see Byrnes always with his dark sense of humor for the rest of the series. I always think that he's very much like Lynch, in arc 1 he's so mysterious, all that dark and brooding. Ingrid is a really good match for Byrnes, since she bring the best of him. Also don't forget their battle of wits!).
3. You Only Love Twice (the espionage, the suspense, also Gemma is the most badass heroines!)
4. Dukes are Forever (sorry Malloryn, lol)
5. The Mech Who Loved Me (eh..)

Favorite couples is still, of course, Rosalind and Lynch, followed with Charlie and Lark. For heroines, I like them all (yes even Perry, hahaha), although for heroes, my favorite is Lynch, Charlie, Blade (sigh, he's the first hero, you know and I still adored him. I like that he got significant role in To Catch a Rogue) and Byrnes, with the less favorite is Kincaid, lol. If you read my review of the Mech Who Loved Me, you will know why. Although, I wished McMaster will someday write about Herbert and how he meet his wife. And in the end, finally the queen find her love again after what happen to her. I don't know if her love for Gideon Scott will open another arcs, since Gideon is human, and I can see that some blue blood (especially Echelon) won't accept their relationship.

I can't recommend enough for London Steampunk, especially if you like steampunk with dash of paranormal elements, heroes to die for and heroines that always fight back. Although I feel that Arc 2 have a little, very littleeee downgrade compared to Arc 1, I still enjoyed this. And with what happen in my country right now (election and all), her books is a distraction that I need. So what are you waiting for? Start with Kiss of Steel, and you will not regret it! :)