A review by sloshydolphin
This Perfect Day by Ira Levin


I have loved most book of Ira Levin's that i have read but i really did not enjoy this one anywhere near as much.

The general premise of the story is simple although there are one or two nice twists. The real issue for me was total lack of idea of consequences. We will over throw this bad computer so we can all live in poverty without enough food - which is exactly what the main character escapes to. This is more ideological than anything else which is fine but rather limited but definitely of its time - Logan's Run another example of bad society to rebel against without looking at what to replace it with or the consequence of changing a system people not being fed.

The part of the book that is unforgiveable is the rape by the main character and then the woman apologizing the next day cause it was her fault and he was only acting "normally". The scene adds nothing to the story other than showing what a selfish bastard the main character is.