A review by teenykins
Bad Dogs by Riley Nash


'...we’re all ghosts here, except those who manage to escape.'

Soooo... undoubtedly Riley Nash is a master of angst, the emotional scars from the Water, Air, Earth, Fire series I still carry with me. But here... here we skirted along the angst, we skirted along the romance and we skirted along the BDSM aspects of the story, that really didn't feel like it worked with Roman's trauma.

Riley's portrayal of Roman's selective mutism, was done really well. I loved how Scout's group adopted Roman, they never stumbled in accepting him talking through sign language and learning themselves so they can communicate.

“I see you, Roman. No one else does, but I do. You want to fight until you’re worn out, and then you want to be so good.”

Scout was certainly sweet and at the start was really putting effort in building trust but then steps were jumped over. I found that Scout assuming Roman was a sub and projecting that idea onto Roman, someone mentally and emotionally scarred, in a constant abuse and having to walk on eggshells through another's emotions, wasn't in the right frame of mind to look into himself and find that part of himself. Not only that, but Scout also decided on having it on camera, without even having a trial off of it.

'Is it a Dom thing to feel your sub’s fingers deep in your chest, prying it apart until—even though he’s the one kneeling and collared—you’re the one who’s humbled and broken open?'

Along those lines plus the seemingly little time that they actually spend together on practically the first half of the book, if not easily the 3/4ths we also had a romance that was at its beginning and not the ILUs that were said.

Anyways... the writing was incredible and it really showed in the best secondary characters ever, Beck and Dallas. They really were the highlight of the story!

I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book.