A review by readsewknit
Ramona and Her Mother by Beverly Cleary


Ramona Quimby, age seven and a half, is of an age where she's getting more settled into her feelings and perhaps has grown out of some of her exuberant tendencies, but she doesn't take kindly when she overhears an adult describe annoying Willa Jean "just like Ramona" at that age. How could they?!

Ramona is unsettled, worried everyone values Beezus over her. What if her very own mother, who cannot live without Beezus and her helpfulness, could live without Ramona? Ramona's dad is struggling with a job he dislikes, and the busyness of the parents' jobs add stress and anxiety, and Ramona and Beezus worry that more frequent arguments might suggest their parents won't stay married.

We have Ramona-esque antics (suppressing a longing to pull out an entire box of tissues, acting on the desire to squeeze out an entire tube of toothpaste, wanting to keep new and cozy pajamas as close as possible when told it's time to change for school), and Ramona naturally gets closure that her parents still love each other and that her family does relish having her around.