A review by kirstysbookshelf
Nightwanderers by C.J. Flood


Actual rating 3.5

This book follows Rosie Bloom as she learns about herself and her friendships. From the start of the book we know that her best friend Titania has disappeared the story then goes back in time and we get to see the build up to the disappearance.

Titania seems to be a bad influence on Rosie as she gets into a lot of trouble which causes them to spend time apart. During this time Titania's behaviour seems to get worse and there is nothing that Rosie can do to help as her parents have forbidden her from seeing Titania.

Overall this was an enjoyable contemporary read. There was a slight romance elements but the main focus of the book was friendship. I did find it a little difficult to understand why Rosie went a long with a lot of the stuff that Titania did as I didn't really connect with Titania and I couldn't understand her motives for doing some of the things she did.

I did like this book and I would be interested to read more from the author in the future.