A review by azdesert_bookworm
Stars Like Gasoline by Jessika Grewe Glover


Please, add this to your TBR this right now. Stars Like Gasoline has a little bit of everything - it’s a ghost story, a mystery, a romance, a thriller, and a contemporary adult fiction. It’s a book about the strength of family and of self; about finding love and what it means to sacrifice; about tragedy and grief and finding the strength to start over; about art - beautiful art and the power that art has in our lives.

Quick synopsis: Celia has moved home to be closer to her brother, Oscar, in the aftermath of Oscoar’s fiance’s (Nate) sudden death. Celia moves into a haunted house that was once part of Nate’s family. She takes on the position of an art curator and then the fun begins. She discovers a journal of a French artist and while fending off a stalker, she must figure out what the journal, the missing Japanese artist, the ghosts, and the stalker all have in common.

This book was beautifully written.There is a maturity and flow to the writing that hooks you from the beginning. Characters are developed to be complex and authentic. I fell in love with Oscar, through the depth of his love for Nate, but to see his growth from beginning to end showed how powerful love and grief are in equal measure.

The plot itself is more complex than you may think. There are numerous sub plots that are moving fluidly in parallel movement, until the end when they begin to come together and all the pieces fall into place.

I promise you won’t be disappointed in giving this book a chance. Celia and Oscar are some of my favorite fiction siblings and will always have a place in my heart. This book truly showcases Jessika’s talent at setting a tone, developing a complex plot line with multiple moving parts, and crafting characters with such depth and emotion that they truly seem to be in the room with you. I loved this book, and have already found myself recommending it to others!

Full Review: https://thebookshelf.substack.com/p/book-review-stars-like-gasoline-by