A review by paddlefoot55
Dirty Playboy by Alex Wolf, Sloane Howell


ARC received for an honest review

I have been looking forward to Rick's story as this series has progressed.

And whilst I liked it, I didn't like it as much as the previous books.

And I hated that I had to type that.

I liked Rick and Mary's story ARC, however there were things that I didn't like.

I like that there is the thrill in the chase, and the cat and mouse game. But it just seemed to keep on going on, over and over. However, that was the least of my problems

And my problem is going to be mine and won't bother anyone else probably.

I am an athiest, and all the God and church stuff would normally make this a DNF story for me, but I kept going as I was keen to know how their tale would end. I just skipped all the church scenes.

I liked the changes we see in both Rick and Mary I liked seeing the couples from the previous books - I will always want more of that.

Will this stop me reading more from this series or this duo? Not at all. This book was the odd one out for me with this series, as up to here, I had found that I was liking each installment more.

Can't wait to see what Wolf/Howell bring us next.

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