A review by kanatakara
Did I Mention I Need You? by Estelle Maskame


Man, what a frustrating read. This series is just not for me. I mean, it's not all bad, and there are moments when I thought I could like this book, especially in the beginning, but my hope was quickly dissolved by the lack of tension and the boredom of reading what feels like a vacation journal.

I think that's the problem I have with this series. For most parts it lacks tension, and when there's tension then it's a total soapy kind of drama. I hate how immature Eden behaves. I also hate how she shamelessly cheats on her boyfriend. Oh sure, she says repeatedly that she feels awful, but nobody's gonna buy that if she's so eager to get Tyler to sleep with her. And don't get me even started about the unnecessary drama with Tiffani.

And seriously, how many times do Tyler's eyes have to be described as "smoldering"? It's just downright ridiculous.