A review by odin45mp
Dreams of Gods & Monsters by Laini Taylor



This book surpassed the first two in the trilogy. The writer and the characters have matured. The adolescent will-theys have developed more nuance, and the characters' inner thoughts grew in complexity even as the world around them expanded - with less force than the Big Bang, but no less brilliantly.

I love what the author did to the setting, and I love the journey she took us on. I loved the moments of laughter that interspersed the serious, world-changing events throughout the book. Every character was given a chance - or three - to shine in ways that made me love them more. They became real to me, regardless of their physical form.

The first two books in the series were hit and miss for me, coming out average in aggregate. I was nervous starting this book because the last two had let me down in places. This book made the journey worthwhile, and delivered on the promises made in the first two books.