A review by misha7094
The Bad Mood and the Stick by Lemony Snicket


Ummm.... okay this is weird, and not in a good way. I can’t quite decide what I think of it. I was a bit horrified that Curly, whose ice-cream-less day led to a two HOUR bad mood that was cured in the joy(?!) she felt upon poking her brother with a stick. Sounds scarily sadistic. But I think it’s a family trait because the poked brother gives her the evil eye rather than acting sad and the mother’s bad mood is lifted at some poor shmuck tripping and falling into mud. However maybe this is a small Cheers town (where everybody knows your name) and mommy knows “Lou” is actually “Wilbur” who is nicknamed “Lew” by the townspeople. Although “Lew” is just what they tell him his nickname is when it’s really just short for what they call him behind his back, Lewd Creeper Dude.” The page this gives me the real weird vibe is the page with lots of interesting Disney-style innuendos meant for the grown-ups enjoyment. Oye. I’m talking about the page where Lou/Lew is charming this lady who previously had a stick up her... I mean pencil behind her ear... and the wind is making random man’s flag...i mean tie... fly high. Thanks for an interesting addition to my school’s library JLG.