A review by anabelsbrother
Sanctuary by Rebekah Weatherspoon


2.5 stars

I experienced the same thing with Sanctuary like I did with Haven; the story started with a bang and then sort of fizzled out for me. Unlike Haven (which redeemed itself at the final half of the story for me), I didn't manage to connect with Sanctuary at all, and it made me so frustrated.

For more spoilery frustration venting:

- I love Liz and Silas as individual characters, but as a couple they didn't do it for me. I understand the lust they have for each other, but like...........I can't see how they might fall in love with each other. I just can't connect with their romance.

- The fake relationship thing feels so forced to me? it came out of nowhere like Scott dumped Liz at his estranged brother's front step and said that Silas should pretend that Liz was his online girlfriend to avoid questions????? like wouldn't it be less troublesome to just say she's a friend of Scott who ran into some trouble and need a place to stay low and everybody in town can just mind their own fucking biz-

- Silas is so annoying????? like he obviously had baggage, but I just......couldn't care less, he's still annoying. I love Liz for not taking his shit and call him out immediately for his asshole behaviour.

- I forgot that Liz is a domme, haha. Dommes/subs are not my kink, so yea while I acknowledged that the sexy times in this book are hot, I couldn't appreciate them fully, yknow what I mean?

So yea my main problem with this book is that I can't connect to the romance or the sex (hahaha sorry), so there's little left for me to enjoy.

Plus points:

- The cover is hot

- The DOGS. Silas' dogs have their own personalities lmao I love them so much. I saw Rebekah shared inspiration pics of them on Twitter and I awww'd.

Overall, sadly I'm starting to think that maybe this series is not for me, but I'm also still holding out hope that book 3 will be the lucky one for me.

E-ARC is received thanks to the wonderful author.