A review by linaru
Grimnirs by Ednah Walters


I love books from Ednah. She never stops to amaze me.

The story is about Cora, Raine's best friend. In the previous parts I thought she is that positive, easy going blonde teenager and I am ashamed to admit that I thought that there is not much in her. I liked her, but couldn't really connect. How wrong I was about her! She is caring and smart. I felt so sorry for her at the beginning. She was thrown in the world she had no idea about and she didn't have anyone to talk about it! I felt for her about her feeling for Eirik, but then! I stopped feeling sorry, because she has Echo. And let me tell you this: smoking hot and cocky boyfriend? Yes please!

I like that Ednah is concentrating more on different characters and develops them really well. I can see how Cora grows and matures through the book.

And the next part? Is even better!