A review by cathyatratedreads
The Sister by Poppy Adams


A well-written book that largely held my attention. Two sisters reunite after almost 50 years apart; one has stayed in the huge, crumbling old family home alone; one has lived in London. The family has specialized in moths for several generations, and the recluse sister, Ginny, still fancies herself an expert. Strange, possibly suspect, events took places in the sisters' pasts, and hints and excerpts of these events, all seen through Ginny's eyes, unfold throughout the novel. We only hear Vivien's perspective through Ginny's filter, and as the novel wraps up, the reader can mostly surmise what facts were, but still wonders a bit, without the facts being nailed down. Interesting and slightly creepy tale of family relationships and odd personalities. It sometimes drags a bit, but is mostly pretty interesting.

Read my full review, including a rating for content, at RatedReads.com: https://ratedreads.com/the-sister-fiction-book-review/