A review by owlyreadsalot
Defy the Stars by Claudia Gray


Right from the beginning I'm shown how much the world has changed and all that has transpired. It is a brutal awakening to a world, where faith is what's left for the youth of the world, as they are about to venture out in what will possibly be their final stand against creations that are way superior then themselves. That it just from the first chapter of the novel and moves into a mix of feels for me as I continued to read on.

Even though it clearly starts off to a great beginning, the rest of the novel is a little bit of a roller coaster as I find myself loving certain sections and characters, and finding it hard to keep complete interest in the rest of it. There is always something going on, a main part of it is the never-ending battle that ensues between the humans on Genesis and the mech armies bent on destroying them.

"The enemy's ships are new. Their weapons are more powerful. And their soldiers aren't even flesh and blood. Instead they have mech armies: robots, shaped like humans but without mercy, without vulnerabilities, without souls."

There enters Abel who defies are preconceived notions about the mech (at least when it comes to him) and how things aren't always as they seem. He was one of the main reasons I couldn't stop reading, such a great character and always evolving mentally. Not that Noemi is any less of an awesome main character, but Abel really brings all the feels to this story. Of course, there are moments that he acts too much as what he really is, but that quickly moves aside.

"Abe could easily reach the Daedalus before Noemi and fly away free. Instead he's tethered to her more surely than if their wrists were handcuffed together. And yet, leaving her behind doesn't seem like such a tempting idea in this moment. Noemi Vidal is, as he decided the night before, not unpleasant. She is a girl far from home, trying to save her world any way she knows how."

That's why, as some of the chapters moved a little slower, this was a read I really enjoyed. There are sad moments, intense ones, adventure at every turn, and bonds that are made stronger as the novel moves along. Then I get to the last few chapters and they are definitely the most intense of the whole novel. It mostly makes up for the tons of slower moving chapters. All in all, I can't wait to see what's waiting for me in the next installment Defy the Worlds.

***I was provided use of this copy through my library Portage County. All opinions are my own.***