A review by mayflowergirl74
Sons and Daughters of Ease and Plenty by Ramona Ausubel


The part of this story told in present time unfolds over a short period, perhaps only a couple of weeks, maybe three. This present story is the reaction that Fern and Edger, a young married couple with three young children, have to losing the money they have grown so accustomed to living off of. The main bulk of the story is told in flashbacks, going into different POVs, detailing the lives of Fern and Egar's parents, the younger lives of Fern and Edgar, and even the lives of the people Fern and Edger turn to. There are many stories here, and I will admit I sometimes got frustrated when the author would delve into another character, in detail, that I didn't really have an interest in. However, I had a very visceral reaction to something one of the main characters did, and to evoke that kind of reaction, the author is definitely doing something right. By the end, I was invested and hopeful... I'm not entirely convinced the end is all that I wanted, but I was still satisfied and glad this read was recommended to me.