A review by mmmais
The Bi-ble: An Anthology of Personal Essays About Bisexuality by Lauren Nickodemus


3.5/4 ⭐️

despite only being published in 2017, several of the essays felt rather dated to me. i had to skip through the whole essay on “fandoms” and “shipping” - this form of element is important when it comes to representation and creativity but it felt immature in comparison to some of the others.

i also wasn’t particularly fond of a whole essay that focused on lesbianism in a book about bisexuality when this essay was just a repetitive few pages of how excluded we bisexuals are from our own community.

that being said, there were some excellent essays. my favourites included:

- ‘not like that, like this’: bisexuality, sex and chronic illness
- on being black and bi-furious
- jigsaw: on bisexual representation in lgbtq+ history
- revelations: on sex, sexuality, and religion

these essays stuck with me the most as they featured important discussion points that are not nearly spoken about as much as they should be in our community. rather than being reminded of what we already know as bisexual people (films/tv erase us, some lesbians wont date us), these essays highlight further issues than just “bisexual problems”.