A review by omnibozo22
Blue Movie by Terry Southern


I was searching for a different film book and came across this. Around ten years ago, Terry Southern's son, Nile, visited the high school where I was teaching. He gave a presentation in the library about his father's works. I had a class and was unable to attend... which turned out to be unfortunate, because I loved watching when the admin put their foot in their mouth while realizing they had stepped in shit. Nile talked about the screenwriting business, then read aloud excerpts from his father's book, Candy. Yeah, read aloud, excerpts from Candy. Go check the Amazon page if you are unfamiliar with that book. Nile had written a book about Candy and was proud of both.
Southern was involved in many film and tv projects, most of which were satirical. This one spoofs on the Hollywood film machine, in the process of shooting a high production value porn film. The clef a roman, pokes identifiable film people and processes.