A review by jamies_shelves
Pop Star by Eden Finley


This was cute!

I was annoyed as hell by Harley in Hat Trick, but also intrigued by his character and wanting to know what would happen for him.

I waited a good amount of time from finish Fake Boyfriends before reading this one (went with other books in Sadenverse first) but I'm glad I finally got to it.

I feel like Harley felt very different in this book than he did in Hat Trick. And this makes sense because we aren't seeing him from his ex's POV anymore, but I really did feel like it was basically a different person. He felt a lot like Jet actually lol. I liked him though.

I also liked Brix! He was sweet, and I really liked his relationship with his dad.

I was so sure I wouldn't read the Mike Bravo series because military type things are not for me. But damn if I'm into it now that I met Iris, Trav, and everyone else. I'm totally going to go in and read them.

I like that we saw Jet (Jay) and Soren!!! I feel like it was telling that Harley only ever referred to him as Jay and never Jet. I like that they were able to be in each others presence easier, especially Harley now that he has Brix.

I know Harley made the comment of not getting how anyone can be friends with an ex even if they've moved on, but I'm kind of hopeful they could be one day. They're both totally moved on, have no feelings left, and Harley has so few friends. That life can be so lonely.

I am kind of bummed we never saw Harley come out, but I also love that that wasn't the focus and get that it would be hard to have all of that in a short book. And I love that we did see Harley stand up to his record company, and decide he might not have a huge coming out, but he wasn't going to hide it as much anymore.

I'm excited for the rest of the books and getting to meet the rest of Eleven. And really hope they all decide to come back together for that album, because it sounds like an amazing idea!