A review by blurstoftimes
Kindred by Octavia E. Butler


Deeply compelling, instantly magnetic, brimming with passion. This is my first Butler and it definitely won’t be my last. Kindred hooked me from the beginning with its well-written, realistically grounded but concurrently resourceful protagonist, Dana. The things this book is able to say about history and collective trauma—it works because Butler never focuses too much on “the rules”: something most sci-fi writers belabor to death.

Butler is no over-writer. Her pacing is wonderful, and her descriptions are vivid but not overbearing. There isn’t much more I can say about this book without spoiling it, and I don’t want to do that because I want to use this review to recommend it to you! So, I will just say this: if you like sci-fi genre hybrids with a heavy load of historical realism, you will LOVE this book like I did.