A review by creativelights
You've Reached Sam by Dustin Thao


I really Loved this book, the writing was beautiful and i loved how Julie and Sam, were always connected, until the very End of the book, cause it showed me how powerful a romantic relationship, can be.

I loved the culture representation that the book Especially with Sam's family.

I loved how Yuki stood up to, the girl that bullied Julie and tried, to blame Julie for Sams death.

the book, Made me feel so much emotion and i almost cried, while reading it.

i wish there could be a small sequel, to the book where we get to See the Characters all grown up, and i wish this book, could become a movie.

I loved how the writer showed, flashbacks of Julie and Sam, cause we got to see What the relationship was like before Sam died.

that's all i have to say on this book. I hope to read more by this author cause His books and writing we’re so beautiful