A review by victor_constantine
Punkzilla by Adam Rapp

Whenever I first started reading this, I was really disappointed. The back of the book made the main kid sound like a trouble maker but killer smart. Instead, I found a misogynistic little a-hole who made bad choices at all times. I don't know when my view of him changed, but I ended up growing really close to the kid. I hated watching him be used and watching as he made bad decisions. When his brother didn't respond to his letter, I got really nervous for him. When he found people that treated him well. I was happy. I don't know how I feel about this book. It was definitely an experience, but I'm not sure it is one I would want to live through again. I don't think I would recommend this to someone looking for a good read, but I would recommend it if you need something to make you feel and to make you numb at the same time. Somethings do both because sometimes feeling and being numb can be awful similar.