A review by mollyculhane
How We Go Home: Voices from Indigenous North America by Sara Sinclair


Some not-yet-coherent thoughts on this remarkable, heavy, very moving book:
- It's so exciting to read a book of oral histories! I didn't know about Voice of Witness and am really looking forward to reading other books in the series. The medium lends itself to a wonderful range of stories, and reading the stories in the tellers' own voices makes them that much more powerful.
- It's one thing to know intellectually about the genocide, racism, and ongoing injustices facing Native American and First Nations people, and quite another to learn more concretely about how these injustices function in the context of people's lives.
- I'm glad that I read this book right after [b:The End of Imagination|27131081|The End of Imagination|Arundhati Roy|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1470694937l/27131081._SY75_.jpg|47168953]--they're pretty different, but the context of the havoc the US government facilitates in other countries makes the havoc it wreaks on Native folks even more horrifying. Again, even though I intellectually know that the settler-colonial state at best stands in the way of Native wellbeing and at worst happily commits genocide, it's still astonishing to read about how consistently the people profiled in this book have to fight the US and Canadian governments just to survive, let alone thrive. A good reminder of how much unlearning I have ahead of me!
- I was impressed by Sinclair's editorship--she included a perfect amount of context and interstitial comments, while prioritizing the voices of her narrators.

Overall, a quick but far-from-light read that made me want to learn much, much more.