A review by mynameisprerna
Die For You by Max Walker


Perspective:  first
Tense: past 
POV:  dual

Spice: 🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️ 4: Brown Girl Spicy
(Multiple descriptive and detailed open door scenes; smut is prominent but it does not overtake plot)
Stars: ⭐️⭐️⭐️ 3: Good, middle of the road. (Redeeming qualities tip the scale.)

This was my least favorite of Max Walker’s books so far. It had one of the more scary mysteries, but it felt underdeveloped.
While we did get a peek into the situation at the end of the previous book, I almost wish that what Tristan had been experiencing had been sprinkled in a little more.
Gabe, the detective from Stonewall
felt particularly odd for me. He told Tristan that there were no rules against dating a client, and obviously we’ve read about plenty of Stonewall detectives falling for the person who hired them, but to just say that felt ignorant. Especially for someone from the new “Elite” division! Even I, as an average person, know that being close to someone can impair your judgement!

The relationship between Gabe and Tristan also felt
rushed, like it came out of nowhere. I didn’t feel like the chemistry had built enough to really justify their first hookup or how quickly they fell in love.

I do hope we continue to get more Stonewall stories. We did get mentions of someone of Gabe’s friends and colleagues in the Elite division, and that could be an exciting thread to follow!

Source: Library (Libby)